What we do: Providing economic security for every african woman

The conference and post-conference training platforms of the fair present a unique opportunity to enlighten and empower women, leading them down the path of improved skills and knowledge base to better access the large market for trade.
Through the TAWITF Mentorship Program, women entrepreneurs and aspiring women entrepreneurs are assigned mentors who are mostly accomplished women entrepreneurs to coach and guide them towards becoming successful women entrepreneurs. The months-long program follows a careful result-oriented plan that is adaptive and tailored.
Through the TAWITF Business Hub, businesses of women entrepreneurs are supported with funding and of other resources to ensure sustainable success in the market. The incubator program helps to create new businesses and support businesses still in their infancy, while the accelerator program helps existing businesses speed up market readiness.
The TAWITF International Trade Network helps prepare women-owned businesses for international trade, guiding them to carefully take advantage of international trade opportunities and navigate the mazy channels. The trade fair exposes the women to the far-reaching opportunities in international trade, and signals the curtain-raiser in a long and sustained process of engagement with entrepreneurs across borders
The TAWITF Cradle-to-Market Initiative helps women entrepreneurs access full-fledged support for their business from conception to active market participation. TAWITF will guide these businesses to access the resources needed to grow and attain sustainable success.

The economic and social impact of TAWITF are envisioned as follows:

  • Increase in number of women entrepreneurs
  • Increase in number of women who are able to access funding 
  • Increase in export capacity of women entrepreneurs
  •  Increase in import capacity for women entrepreneurs
  • A more accessible export/import channel for women entrepreneurs
  • Better channel for resource exchange between women entrepreneurs across borders
  • Better intra and inter-border trade collaboration between women entrepreneurs
  • Better products and services from women-owned entrepreneurs following more exposure to technology and innovation 
  • Reduction in female unemployment rate
  • Reduction in female youth unemployment rate
  • Reduction in percentage of women in vulnerable employment
  • Reduction in share of female youth not in education, employment or training
  • Increase in labour force participation rate for women
  • Reduction in percentage of women who are own-account workers
  • Reduction in percentage of female contributing family workers
  • Improvement of percentage of women employed in industry
  • Increase in percentage of women employers  

Voluteering Opportunites

If you are passionate, just as we are, about social service, and are committed to giving hope to Africa’s vulnerable communities, we gladly welcome you to the TAWITF team of volunteers. To join, kindly complete the form hereunder and email same to volunteer@tawitf.org

36b Twin Palms Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka
Phone: +260978482263